Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Summer Summer Summertime

A little preview of summer hit Baltimore in the past few days. Temperatures peaked at 90 degrees so we headed out to get Elena her very first pool. Mom didn't think about the act of inflating the pool when she purchased it, so it was quite a site watching mom and dad blow it up like a balloon. Elena's reaction was worth it in the end. She had a great time splish splashing and chewing on her pool toys and she cried when it was time to get out!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Elena was so excited for the Easter Bunny that she couldn't sleep at all last night! (Ok, maybe that was the teething, but she was up all night.) We waited for dad to get up and then explored her Easter Basket... homemade teething biscuits, gerber banana puffs, some bunny books, and Elena's favorite...BUBBLES!

She donned her Easter Sunday ensemble and we headed to St. Thomas More for Easter Mass. Elena was a very good girl through a very long mass.

Although the weather looked fantastic, this shot is a little deceptive...It was actually quite chilly outside. In true "Top Model" fashion, we staged the shot and then brought out our model. With an outfit like that we had to get the perfect shot.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Here Comes Peter Cottontail

Elena's first visit with the Easter Bunny was a success! She set a great example for all the other kids in line by squealing and screaming with excitement. I have a feeling that in coming years we won't be so lucky...