Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Tribe of Monkeys

Happy Halloween! Our two little monkeys had a blast. Mom took Elena to Boo at the Zoo. All week long, Elena was talking about the monkeys and the girraffes and the elephants and how excited she was. We got there and she kept saying, I LOVE Girraffes, Mommy! I LOVE Elephants, Mommy! I LOVE Monkeys, Mommy!

Without fail as we got close to any of the animals she covered her eyes and squealed in fear. I'm fairly certain she saw no actual animals.

We took the tribe out for some trick or treating in Federal Hill in the Monkey Mobile. Elena got lots of candy that mysteriously disappeared.

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Vargas Kids' First Political Rally

Rally to Restore Sanity happened on Saturday. We packed up the kids and took them to the national mall. We completely underestimated the number of people who would be there so it turned into more of a people watching, sign reading experience.

I've posted all the pictures here.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Little Man Smiles!

Little Man started smiling this week. My heart melts every time I see it.

Every day I think, wow these two couldn't be any cuter together. Every day they prove me wrong...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Little Man Sleeps through the Pumpkin Patch

This weekend, we returned to Showvaker's in Manchester Maryland for what is becoming a Vargas Family Tradition. In case you weren't aware, October is hands down Mom's favorite month of the year and she forces the family to take part in all things Autumn.

Elena was slightly frightened of the animals in the petting zoo. She was ok looking, but definitely wanted nothing to do with the petting part of the zoo. After hitting up the animals, we passed a wooden train play structure. This proved to be Elena's very favorite part of the day. I believe there was bribery involved to coerce her into moving on to different activities. She particularly liked the engine car. "Choo Choo".

Next we played in the corn bin. Think sandbox, substitute corn for sand. As you can see, Daniel was captivated. From there we took a bouncy bouncy hay ride through the tree farm. Elena had a nice picnic lunch on the hayride and Mom tried to keep Daniel from bouncing around too much.

Elena and Dad hit up the apply launching station and Mom and Daniel tried to stay away from swarming bees.

All in all, we had a wonderful afternoon, and made it home in time for Sunday afternoon football.