Contractions started Saturday night after I went to sleep, and by Sunday morning had picked up to about every ten minutes. The Redskins played at 1:00, so I knew nothing could happen until like 4:00 pm regardless... Juan would have none of that (It was worth it, they won 24-17!)
By 8:00 pm the contractions were super painful and coming every 7 minutes or so, so we called the doctor and she had us go over to labor and delivery. They hooked me up to the monitor, contractions showed strong. They then checked me for dilation and I was only 1.5cm. 18 hours of contractions and no dilation. Makes a woman in labor happy. I was sent to walk the halls for nearly two hours to see if we could get anything going before they would admit me. 2 more hours, contractions at 5 minutes... checked me again... about 1.5 cm.
I'm not talking braxton hicks contractions. I'm talking stop you in your tracks can't talk through need special breathing contractions. Every 5-7 minutes.
Nurse comes back in, and sends me home. "Get some rest," she says.
We head home to "rest". Needless to say I got no sleep, contracting every 7 minutes all night long. We got up this morning at about 5:45 am and as soon as I was out of bed they dropped closer to 3-4 minutes apart and were much more painful. I held out until 8:00 am and then we called the doctor again. She said to go over to the hospital to get checked out.
36 hours of contractions. 1.5 cm dilated. Sent to walk the halls again. You don't move very quickly when you have to stop for a 1.5 minute contraction every 3-4 minutes.
We finally ran into the doctor in the hallway and she could tell by the look on my face I was not a happy camper. She asked if I was ready to throw in the towel and get the induction started. I briefly saw a choir of angels over her head singing Hallelujah. Little did I know....
So we went back to the room to be checked again... still no dilation. 40 hours of consistent contractions... and no dilation.
My doctor comes back into the room with bad news. The L&D Floor of the hospital is undergoing renovations. They aren't doing any "elective" inductions today or tomorrow because the nurses station is being moved and they need all hands on deck. The earliest they can start the induction is my scheduled time of WEDNESDAY at 8:00 am. So I will just have to go home and wait it out, unless my body progresses on its own, or my water breaks.
"Do you want a shot of Morphine before you leave?"
"Is it safe for the baby?"
"Hell yes."
An hour later the nurse arrived and shot my thigh with 15 mg of morphine and i headed home for an hour and a half of uninterrupted sleep (contracting, but able to ignore them). And then relaxed in bed with only the mild pain of morphine masked contractions for the next 4 hours.
The Morphine has worn off. The Contractions are still at 5 minutes. 36 hours until induction. Not a happy camper.
Send the fairy dust my way please