Friday, January 23, 2009

Four Months Old!

Elena had her four month check in with Doctor Fitch today. She got rave reviews from the doctor and was a brave little girl while she got her shots. Dr. Fitch was impressed with her strength and said it was due to all the good breast milk she gets. She reacted much better this time, she took a little nap and then was all smiles all night long. Mom and Dad even let her stay up past her bed time since she was in such a good mood...after all it was her birthday.

4 Month Stats:

15 pounds 3 ounces. 75th percentile.
25 1/4 inches. 75th percentile.
Head- 41.1 centimeters. 50th percentile.

Since Elena is growing so nicely and sleeping so well we are holding off on introducing solids until closer to 6 months. Although dad is bummed he still doesn't get to feed Elena, mom is secretly (ok so maybe not so secretly) happy that she gets to keep the job all to herself a little while longer.

1 comment:

Holly Jean said...

Awesome stats! Congrats Elena on growing so well. I'm with you Lauren on the special mommy time when it comes to meals ;).